The Music
Choose from thousands of Albums, cassettes and CD's. So many different genres...rock and Roll, metal, punk, rap, jazz, blues, country, classical, big band and more. Plus not only do we sell we buy and trade as well!
Audio Equipment
A collection of stereos, turntables and speakers to choose from...names like Pioneer, Technics, Panasonic, Philips, Kenwood and more. We also do stereo repairs and yes, we buy and trade audio equipment as well!
Musical Instruments
We carry a variety of musical instruments and accessories. From guitar names like Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, saxophones, clarinets, flutes, sitars, accordions, harmonicas...guitar strings, amplifiers and effects pedals
T-shirts and more t-shirts of your favourite rock stars and bands. Plus a colourful variety of other clothing that is popular with all our customers
We have posters and photos of all sizes, with frames or without...of rock bands, musical artists, movie stars and more
And Much More!
Clocks (made in house rock and roll clocks) books, magazines, belt buckles, statues, carvings, masks, wall hangings and the list goes on!